Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Can a Sports Robot Accurately Predict the Winners?

How about something fun?

If you're into sports - of almost any kind, this may be for you.

There is a sports robot that has been able to accurately predict the winner about 80% of the time.

If you like to bet on sports, or just follow sports, this could be something that would be helpful.

There are free tools including point spreads and win percentages.

To find out more Click Here

Monday, October 28, 2013

Blissful Balance

Blissful Balance - Get your gift basket here! Condolence baskets, healing baskets and comforting baskets, baskets with chamomile.

Get all your baskets here.

Monday, September 10, 2012

3 Simple Questions That Turn a Woman On

Watch this FREE video and learn the 3 simple questions to ask to get any woman attracted to you. >> CLICK HERE

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

the legendary pickup artist
Dean Cortez has some EXPLOSIVE, game-changing
news for you...

If you're in a hurry, just watch the first
five minutes of this video and prepare to


Dean is going to reveal how you can SKYROCKET
your sex life by using an easy-to-learn,
step-by-step blueprint to approach women...
flip their sexual attraction "switches" in
a fun, playful way...HACK INTO their
subconscious desires...

...and bring them BACK TO YOUR PLACE for
sex, the first night that you meet them.

(And she'll be absolutely LOVING every

You're about to discover how to turn ANY
woman on (within minutes of meeting her),
and unleash her "inner porn star"...

EVERY woman has a naughty, wild, freaky
side that she wants to "let loose"...but
ONLY if you know how to put her in the
right mood, and push the right buttons...

It's all in this video:


(Watch it NOW, because Dean is getting a TON
of heat for this video and it might get taken
down soon...)

This video contains the secrets of ESCALATION.

This means learning how to MOVE every interaction
towards SEX.

So let me ask you...

* Would you like to know how to absolutely
DOMINATE bars and clubs? How to easily approach
the hottest girls and start funny, attention-
grabbing conversations that cause them to feel
SEXUAL just a few minutes?

It doesn't matter if your "target" is with a
group of friends, or even with other guys...
you're going to learn "stealth tactics" to
win them over to your side, so you can BOND
with your target and extract her back to your
place...and her friends WON'T try to cock-
block you!

* Wouldn't it be cool to know EXACTLY how to
"escalate" with a girl on the first date? No
more worrying about when to "make your move,"
or wondering if you should try for a kiss...

Once you learn this mega-powerful escalation
sequence, you'll know precisely how to touch
her...tease her...and jack up the SEXUAL TENSION
until she's practically begging you to bring
her home and screw her brains out...

* And you can also use these techniques to
turn any female friend of yours into your
LOVER (or if you want, keep her around as
a "booty call" whenever you're in the mood
to bang...)

The "FRIEND ZONE" will be a thing of the past
when you start using these wickedly effective,
field-tested tactics, which took me FIVE LONG
YEARS to develop, test, and present to you...

If you're like I used to be...and you think
getting laid comes down to "getting lucky"...
then prepare to have your mind BLOWN by the
secrets I reveal here:


And if you've already got some decent "game,"
you're about to become UNSTOPPABLE.

Your buddies will be CRAZY JEALOUS when they
see you working your "magic" on the hottest
girls, while they hang back and wonder what
your "secret" is...

And the other guys at the bars and clubs will
suddenly seem like a pathetic joke to you, because
you've got an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over all of them!

This is because you're about to learn a simple,
step-by-step "blueprint" for making girls feel
sexually "into" you, right from the start.

YOU will lead the interaction, and the conversation,
every step of the way...

You will FRAME yourself as the PRIZE she desperately
wants to win (even if she's one of those girls who
gets hit on 20 times every night)...

And you will flip the right "switches" in her mind
to make her want SEX with you...TONIGHT.

Hopefully the video will still be up when you click
this link:


NOTE: This is extremely powerful, hardcore "next
level" material, so use it wisely...and don't go
breaking too many hearts, OK?

Talk to you soon,


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hypnotize Women Into Bed? A Review of the NLP Seduction Course - Speed Seduction by Ross Jeffries

Yes, that's right, I said, HYPNOTIZE WOMEN INTO BED! Sounds crazy doesn't it? Well...

If you ever wanted to know how to employ NLP and conversational hypnosis with your everyday interactions with women, then you will definitely be interested in checking out what people are saying about Ross Jeffries' product, Speed Seduction.

What is Speed Seduction?

Well, it is a dating product designed for men who want to use the benefits of NLP and hypnosis when they are dealing with women.

This surely has got to be a scam...

I was initially very skeptical about this product too...

I mean seriously, some guy reckons he knows how you teach you to hypnotize women into bed literally?

This sounds almost too good to be true.

So I had to get a copy of the material and see what the hype is all about.

After reviewing the product, I'm happy to say that it's not as lame as I thought. Actually, it's not lame at all. I thought in order to use the methods taught by Ross Jeffries would involve something stupid and gimmicky where you need to hang an object in front of the woman and get her to look the object you are dangling back and forth. I'm glad to say, it was nothing like that.

Just a side note, the author Ross Jeffries was also featured in the famous seduction book authored by Neil Strauss, "The Game: Penetrating The Secret Society of Pickup Artists". He was one of the seduction gurus mentioned and so is well known in the seduction field. Oh and by the way, this guy is really, not attractive. Imagine Ronald McDonald with black hair and no make up - then you'll know what Ross Jeffries looks like. But, having said that, this guy can pull women!So this stuff really does work!

For the folks who have ever studied NLP or heard of anything about it, well this Speed Seduction course is exactly like any other NLP or Hypnosis course. Except, the only difference is that the focus is exclusively targeted to learning how to attract women to you. You will learn how to talk to women in seductive ways that invoke emotional circuits inside her head to be triggered for her to feel an overwhelming sense of attraction to you. Now this is the stuff that I'm talking about!

The Speed Seduction cousre is fairly newbie friendly, except you still need to take a lot of time to learn the basics of NLP so you can use it in your everyday conversation - otherwise it's going to come off as being really awkward and weird. That's probably the only drawback I can find about this course, the strong focus on the language component.

If you are looking for a seduction course that differs from using canned pickup lines and want to know how to naturally engage in convesration that arouses the senses of women, then I strongly advise you to check out Speed Seduction. For more information about Speed Seduction (and a picture of Ross Jeffries) and other seduction and pickup resources and material, check out: Speed Seduction Review

About the author, Maurice Jackson.

Maurice has been studying seduction and pickup for the past few years and has personally reviewed hundreds of courses, ebooks and training manuals. He has set up a website dedicated to assisting men succeed with women. You should check out his page about Speed Seduction Review

You should also sign up to the free 6 part seduction secrets mini course dedicated to helping men like you improve their ability around women! So you should check out his site!

Good luck with your journey on being successful with women!

Article Source:

Good Reasons to Try the Speed Seduction Technique

Speed Seduction is a patented concept produced to aid men in enticing a woman of any age, status, and personality. It aims to boost up the confidence of men. Speed Seduction is filled with methods and trainings to effectively make men successful with the women they desire.

To date, Speed Seduction has acquired a lot of raves and good reviews. Some say it has been helpful to them. According to the people who tried the product and the makers themselves, Speed Seduction is worth trying because:

1. Any guy can do it. Speed Seduction does not require any experience, a big budget, or an immense amount of time to be successful. It is different from the techniques employed by dating websites which almost always assume the involvement of pricey dinners, romantic escapades, and luxurious trips. With Speed Seduction, there is no need to spend too much just to get the woman you want.

2. Good looks are not required. Speed Seduction can effectively teach men how to seduce women no matter how they look. Looks are made secondary with the special techniques embodied inside it.

3. Men are taught not to act like jerks. The biggest turn offs observed with a woman is when men, either intentionally or unintentionally, act like insensitive individuals. With Speed Seduction, you will know the right way to be kind and sensitive so as to be more appealing to the opposite sex.

4. The power of language is utilized. The ability to communicate is such a talent. Speed Seduction will show you how to make use of the right words with the right kind of woman you'll meet. You'll be an instant hotshot just with the words you speak.

5. It has detailed techniques. Speed Seduction does not offer vague lines and leave readers assuming what they have to perform. Instead, it instructs them right on as to what to do, how to do it, and when is the right time to do it. What you get is real training minus the hustles.

6. It was proven by a lot of people. On the average, people who had tried Speed Seduction are all satisfied with it. Some are even coming out just to tell their amazing story of how the training had helped them become women magnets.

7. It is highly versatile. No matter what your intention is, either to be with numerous women at a time or to find the one perfect girl, Speed Seduction training will do you good. It will help you on both instances and the results will be highly favorable for you.

8. It comes with a full guarantee. Ross Jeffries, the brains behind the training, believes so much that his method will work for you. He coupled it with a 90-day guarantee that you'll meet and be physically close with at least 3 women during that period. If you were not able to achieve that after trying all the techniques listed, a refund is given.

9. The training comes with full support. The intensive training offered is coupled with primal consultation and full customer support. No other offering in the market is as comprehensive as the Speed Seduction technique.

These are the good things Speed Seduction are said to be giving. No other training is giving you this much on the market. These claims are indeed wonderful, especially if the work for you. All you have to do now is to prove it for yourself.

Having trouble meeting women? Check out this excellent guide on the seduction of women from a womans point of view on the art of seduction!

Article Source: